Competing claims about the Rafah tent camp strike

The Israeli military claimed it struck a Hamas compound approximately 600 feet away from civilians, while Hamas claimed the strike occurred in the center of a shelter. Satellite images show tents near the actual strike location.

This image shows the area in Rafah where an Israeli airstrike ignited a fire across a tent camp. The airstrike location is marked with a red circle. There are tents visible to the east and west of it. So the southwest there is a large compound that serves as UN warehouse. Hamas claimed the airstrike hit this compound, while the Israeli military claimed this was the area with civilians and it was located almost 600 feet away from the actual strike location.


600 feet

Strike location

Area Hamas claims

the IDF struck

U.N. warehouse

and shelter


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Annotation stroke


600 feet

Strike location

Area Hamas claims

the IDF struck

U.N. warehouse

and shelter



600 feet

Strike location

Area that Hamas claims

the IDF struck

United Nations warehouse

and shelter



600 feet

Strike location

Area that Hamas claims

the IDF struck


United Nations warehouse and shelter